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See link to TQ Handbook above to access the responsibilities of the TQ team, information on state funding, Iowa Professional Development Model, and Iowa Teaching Standards.

The TQ Support Document provides information on potential professional development opportunities, ideas on how to share with learning with staff, and who your PD might benefit.

  1. Teacher completes TQ Request Form Part A and submits document to Meleah Jones to allow adequate time for approval.

  2. TQ committee meets the third Wednesday of each month (September-May) at 4:00 in the boardroom to review TQ request forms.

  3. TQ committee will notify teachers if application was approved or returned for modification.

  4. Once approved, the teacher attends professional development.

  5. Within two weeks of returning from professional development, teacher completes TQ Request Form Part B and submits document to Meleah Jones.

Teacher Quality Committee Members

Nick Merritt, Secondary Principal,

Shannon Robertson, Elementary Principal,

Meleah Jones, Instructional Coach,

Valerie Stone, Elementary Teacher,

Andrea Bone, Elementary Teacher,

Rachelle Zehr, Secondary Science,

Austin Neuendorf, Secondary Social Studies,

Josh Stoll, Secondary English,

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